
Michelle Troconis in Tears as Jennifer Dulos’ Kids Break Silence at Sentencing

At the Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford on Friday, Jennifer Dulos’ children delivered emotional statements about the impact of their mother’s May 2019 murder on their lives as the court sentenced Michelle Troconis for her role in the high-profile case that gained national attention.

In a packed courtroom, Troconis, 49, was handed a sentence of up to 45 years in prison after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder, hindering prosecution, and evidence tampering. All five of Jennifer Dulos’ children, along with her mother, Gloria Farber, attended the hearing.

Michelle Troconis
Michelle Troconis, who was Fotis Dulos’ girlfriend and living with him at the time of Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance, is now in state prison.

Getty Images

“That haunts me every day,” said Petros Dulos, 18, who was a teenager when his mother was killed by his father, Fotis, with Troconis’ support. “She was my hero. I often feel lost without her comforting smile.”

Noelle Dulos, who was just 8 years old when her mother disappeared, spoke about her ongoing fear and lasting trauma. “We have no closure because Michelle didn’t tell us where she is,” she said.

Christiane Dulos, 15, spoke of Troconis: “Michelle is the reason I feel completely lost in the world. She’s the reason I’ve blocked out my childhood.” Christiane was 10 when her mother went missing.

Theodore, another of the five children, called Troconis “evil, violent, and certainly a coward,” bringing her to tears.

“An appropriate sentence would be fifty years: ten years for each child who lost their mother,” he added.

Jennifer Dulos’ body was never found. She was declared legally dead last year.

jennifer farber dulos fotis dulos missing court
Jennifer Farber Dulos went missing in May, 2019, and her husband Fotis Dulos was charged in her disappearance.

New Canaan Police Department

Troconis, who was Fotis Dulos’ girlfriend and living with him at the time of Jennifer’s disappearance, is now in state prison. After Fotis’ suicide in 2020, Troconis maintains her innocence and plans to appeal.

The prosecution built a robust case against Troconis, presenting surveillance footage that captured her with Fotis as he disposed of evidence in Hartford. Forensic evidence, including Jennifer Dulos’ DNA that was found on items in trash bags, was key to the case.

During the trial, prosecutors introduced a shirt, bra, and zip ties stained with what appeared to be blood, found in the trash bags. DNA tests confirmed the blood was that of Jennifer. Troconis claimed she was unaware of the contents of the bags or the reasons behind Fotis Dulos’ actions.

The Dulos case garnered national attention, inspiring documentaries and movies. Jennifer hailed from a prominent New York City family.

Troconis, a dual American and Venezuelan citizen, had co-founded a horse-riding therapy program, owned a TV production company in Argentina, and hosted a snow-sports show for ESPN South America before she was arrested.