
Map Shows Which States Have the Most Influencers


Analysis of America’s top influencers has revealed which states are home to the largest population of influencers.

According to a study from Ubiquitous Influence, conducted using a sample of the 200 most prominent influencers across the country, states like California, New York, Florida and Texas are home to the bulk of America’s influencer population.

California emerged as the clear favourite, with 31% of the sample living there. Much of this can be attributed to the cultural power of cities like Los Angeles and San Fransisco, as well as the presence of Hollywood and an existing celebrity infrastructure. Influencity estimates that more than 2 million influencers live in Califonia alone.

Florida ranks second, albeit significantly behind California, with 9% of the influencer population residing there. Texas follows close behind, with 8%. While these highly-populated states might be considered obvious choices, there were several outliers in the data.

New Jersey, despite a lack of the same urban power as Califonia and Florida, is home to 6% of America’s top influencer class, while Georgia boasts an additional 2%. Influencity attributes this to the expansion of Atlanta’s film industry, which mimics the impact Hollywood has had on California’s influencer scene.

Ohio was home to a respectable 5%, despite its smaller size, while Arizona and Illinois rounded out the remainder of the top ten states, with 2% each. the remaining influencers in the sample lived across the country in other states.

Influencers in California
A photographer taking pictures of an influencer on the Santa Monica Pier boardwalk. California emerged as one of the top states for America’s influencer population.

Getty Images

While the definition of what an influencer is has been contested, most sources consider social media following and personal brand when deciding who qualifies. Influencity breaks down influencers into various tiers of fame, defining a “nano-influencer” as someone with a public profile and over 1,000 followers. Conversely, a “mega-influencer” has over a million followers.

While influencers use a variety of different platforms to gather support and manage their brand, Instagram emerged as the most significant social media site when defining influencers, with TikTok also being considered. 31% of the U.S. population uses Instagram, though TikTok is more popular with younger people.

Infuencity also suggested that having large ,culturally significant urban areas was by far the best way to draw influencers to your state, with New York, Miami, Los Angeles and Atlanta being identified as the best hotspots in the eyes of both American influencers and content creators from around the world.

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