
How One Kitten Changed the Mind of a Grandfather Who ‘Hated’ Cats

It’s a debate as old as time: cat person vs. dog person. And once someone is set in their ways on either side, it’s almost impossible to change their minds. However, one grandfather has proven there is no harm in giving it a chance as seen in a recent TikTok video.

TikTok user @hails.drawings shared with Newsweek that her cousin’s cat had kittens over a year ago and that the family found a home for every cat except for Lizzie. That’s when her cousin and aunt turned to her grandparents for a little help.

The grandparents watched Lizzie for about a week. During that time, @hails.drawings said they would beg her grandpa to keep Lizzie, but he kept saying no, claiming he “hates cats.” Even grandma wanted to keep the tiny feline. Luckily, after about 10 days, grandpa started to turn a corner.

Posted earlier this week, the TikTok video’s text overlay reads: “Your grandpa who hated cats your entire life falls in love with one.”

This used-to-be cat hater finally gave in and decided they should keep Lizzie. The video should be enough proof that grandpa has fallen in love with Lizzie as he gently pets her and watches her every move. But he also showed the family his newfound love with weekly text updates. He would send the family pictures of Lizzie getting into the groceries or working on a puzzle with him.

Lizzie likes to wake him up every morning by walking on his chest and licking his nose. She is also very attached to @hails.drawings’s grandmother.

The couple has had Lizzie for nearly a year now, and thankfully, grandpa has zero regrets about the decision. TikTok user @hails.drawings explained that her grandpa will joke about how Lizzie is a menace and drives him crazy, but he’ll then express that he misses her whenever he goes out of town.

Grandfather warms up to cat
Posted earlier this week to TikTok, the video’s text overlay reads: “Your grandpa who hated cats your entire life falls in love with one.”


TikTok Users React

As of Friday afternoon, the TikTok video had over 2 million views, 273,000 likes, and 760 comments.

“It’s so funny how a lot of ‘cat haters’ hate them until they spend time with a nice one. So cute,” one TikTok user wrote.

Another pointed out: “Him almost immediately petting and talking to it.”

Many others have shared that their cats won over the haters in the family, with one TikTok user posting: “My husband was a cat hater, but my cats didn’t care. They gave him no choice as his belly is their favorite spot.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our “Pet of the Week” lineup.