
Photographs from around the country

Ian Talboys A grey heron stands by a river with plants and stones behind it. Water flows around it.Ian Talboys

Ian Talboys took this photo of a grey heron fishing on a weir on the River Don at Danestone, Aberdeen. He said: “The perfectly still heron allowed me to take a long exposure photograph to give a sense of power in the water.”

A selection of your pictures of Scotland sent in between 4 and 11 October.

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Moira Carrigan A tree in the foreground is illuminated by red light from a car brake light. In the background, the sky is pink and purple from the aurora.Moira Carrigan

Moira Carrigan said: “The brake lights from my car added effect to this stunning picture of the Northern Lights up Sherrifmuir, Stirling.”

Angela Pritchard A black and white photograph of a large wave crashing against a sea wallAngela Pritchard

Angela Pritchard took this photo of a wave crashing against the shore in Cullen.

Natalie Wyles A red aurora sky illuminates the River Tay. A small boat sits in the water in the foreground. The lights of Dundee are visible in the background.Natalie Wyles

Natalie Wyles said: “I saw my first ever aurora last night in my home town of Newburgh Fife. I thought you might like to see this one with the boat and Dundee and the reflection on the water.”

Robert Westerman A sunset over an island with the sun illuminating rocks on a loch in the foregroundRobert Westerman

Robert Westerman took this photo during the low tide at the entrance to Campbeltown Loch. He said: “The sun rises behind Davaar Island, casting a soft glow.”

Andy Nairn A stag in a field looks off in the distance. There is blue sky behind it.Andy Nairn

Andy Nairn took this shot of a stag by the roadside in Applecross. He said: “He was far more interested in the ladies on the other side and not sure he even noticed us…”

Ania Ciolacu  Swirling clouds with sun breaking through over the Isle of Arran, seen from Ayrshire

Ania Ciolacu

Ania Ciolacu sent us this photo of the Isle of Arran seen from Ayrshire

Duncan Mitchell A young girl holds her hand up to a disco ball surrounded by coloured lights.Duncan Mitchell

Duncan Mitchell from Glenrothes said: “Here’s my daughter Esme at the Enchanted Forest in Pitlochry disco tunnel.”

Gary Boswell A canoe carrying four people seen in silhouette on a river. A person on a paddleboard is seen in the distance.Gary Boswell

Gary Boswell took this dramatic shot of sunset at Calgary Bay, Mull.

Graeme Gatherer A black dog standing high up on rocks that overlook mountains and a blue loch. The sun is shining  and the sky is blue. Graeme Gatherer

Graeme Gatherer said: “I’ve been on the Cuillin loads of times to climb or just traverse the tops but I’d never been down to Loch Coruisk before. Peggy the lab in full wildlife mode. It’s as stunning as I hoped it would be!”

John Bogie A Highland Cow lies in a field looking to its rightJohn Bogie

John Bogie from Coatbridge took this picture of a relaxed Highland Cow taken in Nairn.

John Cuthbert The aurora, which has green, pink, yellow and blue colours, shining over a loch with lanterns in the foreground.John Cuthbert

John Cuthbert took this photo of the aurora over Loch Watten in Caithness.

John Sayer Blue and purple lights projected onto trees in a forestJohn Sayer

John Sayer said: “We had a fantastic time at the Enchanted Forest. This year’s theme was “Symphony of Nature” and what a show of light and colour.”

Malcolm Parker A path beside a field covered in mist. There is an orange sunrise and tress all around.Malcolm Parker

Malcolm Parker took this photo on the River Ayr path. He said: “Mist in the horse field was stunning.”

Mark Freeman A robin sits on the branch of a tree with a forest in the backgroundMark Freeman

Mark Freeman took this picture at the Hermitage near Dunkeld. He said: “The robin sat patiently in the tree watching us and waiting to see what crumbs were left from our lunch.”

Natalya Revitt Green and red colours of the aurora over silhouetted mountains with a body of water in the foreground.Natalya Revitt

Natalya Revitt said: “Just outside the village of Shieldaig, and looking over to the Torridon Mountains, the Northern Lights put on a spectacularly show!”

Neil MacNeill A grey heron stands in running water with a fish in its beakNeil MacNeill

Neil MacNeill said: “A sure sign of a clean and healthy river is the abundance of fish. Here’s a heron with a good sized trout on the Water of Leith at Saughton Park.”

Peter Land A calm lake surrounded by trees, with tree stumps in the foreground. The sky is pink and blue.Peter Land

Peter Land from Bo’ness took this photo of an autumn evening at Beecraigs Country Park, West Lothian.

Sam Bilner The green aurora over a coastal village with a palm tree and picnic tables in the foreground and houses in the background.Sam Bilner

Sam Bilner took this photo of the aurora over Plockton

Sheena Scrafton A lighthouse on a small, rocky island with choppy sea in the foreground. The sky has hues of orange.Sheena Scrafton

Sheena Scrafton took this photo of the Muckle Flugga lighthouse north of Unst.

Susanne McNaught The red Forth Rail Bridge lit up at nightSusanne McNaught

Susanne McNaught took this photo on “a beautiful evening walk in South Queensferry.”

Tommy Buchan Sunshine breaking through a line of trees in a forestTommy Buchan

Tommy Buchan said: “Here’s a picture I took early morning, when the mist was clearing, as I walked a tough-ish section of the Speyside Way with Tara, my Jack Russell.”

Wilma Boyle Wild horses in the middle ground on top of a hill, with grass in the foreground.Wilma Boyle

Wilma Boyle sent us this photo of wild horses on North Berwick Law.

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